Monday, October 18, 2010

*Management System*

                  * These is an enterview of a worker that work in acompany.
                  *  It says wat he do and what the information he use  for her  work to make her work easy.
  *IS Components*
       *4 Employees in a branch involve* 
                  1. Appraiser
                  2. Casher
                  3. Display costodian
                  4. Accounting clerk
      *2 Software he use*
                  1. Microsoft word
                  2. Microsoft exell
       *hardware he use*
                  1. Hard disc
       * Data Or Information he use to her work*
                  1. Name of a certain pawned items
                  2. Address of customers
                  3. Pawn ticket of the pawn items
                  4.Principal/Value of the pawn items
       *Network they use to there work*
                  1.DSL Network Connection
                   To entertain customer. Records pawned item in the boor.
                   Encode daily transactions. Compute redeemed/renewed items.
                   Prepare monthly remitance,payments of bir with holding tax.
                   Prepare documents transmitals to accounting office whenever
                   requires safe. Keep accountig files. Performs other duties and
                   responsibilities deemed necessary by management.
                 To ensure proper and accurate recording of pawnshop transactions.
                 To prepare the monthly required report on time.

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